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Houston Local Web Presence Creation

Written by: Leonard Parker | web presence | 07th October

The journey to a successful web presence is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Okay, it is not really that simple, but we have come up with a comprehensive strategy that helps you, the business owner, understand what a web presence is and how we can help you strategize, create and maintain it.  

First: Develop Your Web Presence Strategy

  One of the biggest problems that we see in the internet-marketing arena is a lack of preparation. The results of a success web presence are outstanding (more presence = more customers = more money = potential to grow your business), and because of these many business owners want to skip the preparation step and get to the creation step.   In this step, we will:
  • Identify the current limits in your thinking about what is possible
  • Expand the scope of what might be possible
  • Clarify desired outcome from your web presence (very important)
  • Identify markets to be targeted
  • Identify keyword phrases potential customers use to search for your product or services
  • Research competition to discover opportunities to dominate
  • Develop your web presence strategy

Second: Creating Your Web Presence

  Now that you have a clear vision as to what you want out of your web presence and how we can help, we can begin the creation process. This is the part where most business owners and other marketing companies spend the majority of their time. This is okay, but can be costly. As we mentioned earlier if you don’t take time to plan, then you may be wasting time on elements of your web presence that don’t help you or your business. Furthermore, there is a maintenance step that needs to be remembered (we will talk about that below).   In this step, we will:  
  • Determine if Personal Brand Development is right for your strategy
  • We will create content which will help you become an authority online
  • We will create the places where your content is distributed:
  • Your Website (This is the starting point, we make sure to include copy that sells)
  • Your Blog (This is where relationships are built and trust is gained)
  • Social Media Sites (This helps you to be more than a billboard and be a real person)
  • Video Distribution Sites (This is a huge trend right now and you need to be a part of it)
  • Podcasting (This is not as popular as video, but is another way to communicate)
  • Email Marketing Setup (This helps you create a list, which is needed to sell your products or services)
  • Link Building (This is a stragety that you may not fully understand, but know this, it is how you get your website to start showing up in searches)
  • Article Marketing (This is how you gain visibility in your niche)

Third: Testing, Monitoring & Adapting Your Web Presence

  Now that you have a web presence, you are done right? Some people think they are, but this is where you can fail. If you want to have a successful web presence then you need to remember the third step: testing, monitoring & adapting.  This is a critical step, as we all know that things change. Think back to when you were a kid, what technology was available then? This step allows you to have confidence that the time and money that was invested in the creation step is not wasted.   In this step, we will:  
  • Test various website home pages & landing pages
  • Review Google Analytics to determine best keyword phrases
  • Adjust search engine optimization (SEO) and traffic strategies to achieve highest conversation rates
  • Review email marketing analytics to determine which emails are being read & adjust
  • Study new trends in SEO & SEM and apply proven tactics to achieve maximum conversions

These Three Steps Insure Your Web Presence Success

  Now that you have gone through the process of strategizing and creating your web presence, and understand the importance of maintaining it, you can continue with confidence knowing that your web presence is working for you.   Feel free to contact us with any questions you have about your web presence. It does not matter where you are at in the process, we are here to help you get on track and see the results that you were looking for. Sign up for your free web analysis today!