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Written by: Leonard Parker | local search marketing | 25th October
The internet has created many new ways of targeted marketing & advertising. These methods differ from traditional methods such as newspaper and magazine ads. Two of these new ways are paid local search marketing and social media marketing. Local Web Traffic Solutions offers both local search marketing and social media marketing services. Each method described below will help you to grow your business and build your bottom line.
Search marketing and advertising confirms the persons interest in your product or service. You pay only when your ad is “clicked”. With local internet marketing, a specific page on your website is set aside where you have the opportunity to pre-sell your goods and services. The goal remains the same, we want them to take the next step in the buying process whether that is to call you, fill out a form or some other call to action.
Online companies such as Google and Microsoft Bing are available to ensure that your ad will receive maximum exposure. Local Web Traffic Solutions is here to assist in all of your search marketing needs. Click on the link, and learn more about our local search marketing services right here in Houston, Texas.
With the advent of social networking on the internet, a whole new way of reaching people has been created. Social media marketing and advertising has arrived. You can target your audience like never before. Destiny Marketing Solutions of Houston, TX currently offers two forms of social media marketing services:
A superior “business growth tool.” It is one of the most effective online marketing tools because it reaches so many people. And Facebook provides tools to necessary to target the correct audience. We will assist you in identifying and targeting your ads to your “top prospects.”
Social Media with a “business twist”… It is for business people. Many visitors to LinkedIn are looking an opportunity to connect with and expand their network of professionals. LinkedIn enables you to target your ads directly to people who are likely to become your customers.
Clearly, if you are interested in building a successful business, you need to use some of not all of these online advertising and local internet marketing methods. They are effective, affordable … and they work! Give us a call today at (713) 857-8403 to get started!